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miercuri, 1 octombrie 2014



Since I was a little girl
I dreamed to be a beautiful princess
With golden shining dresses and shoes,
With a diamond crown on my hair
Blinking wonderfully to the world
Like the stars in the Universe..

I dreamed to be a queen
The queen of Love and Beauty,
The queen of all the amazing princesses
Dancing on the golden red carpet
The happiness in the arms of their beloved..

I was so happy anytime
To be named my angel, 
My love, my beauty, my everything
By a prince or other
From a land or other..

They told me wonderful words,
Odes of love and admiration
From their hearts, they said..
All the birds sing in my soul
When I forget that I am a poetess..

Hasminia Haar.
"Haminia for Humanity", Nr.32
Copyrights@October, 2014

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