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vineri, 1 noiembrie 2013



When we want to realize our goals
We must dare to dream
And try to achieve..

Dreams are gifted thoughts.
If we don't think
We don't have any dream..

If we don't have dreams
What to achieve ?
Our mind is empty..

Even Albert Einstein said the same..
If he didn't dream his ideas
He couldn't have discovered anything..

Who dare dream and try to achieve ?
I know some friends who tried
All their dreams came true..!

We don't need to be rich,
We must work with passion
And we will pick up the diamonds..

When we have the Light of opening paths
All the people will notice it
And will be attracted to help..

God works through His Love and Light
With His creation..
But only few listen to His song..

We must open our heart to Him,
We must feel His presence in our souls
And we will achieve our goals..

If we don't have any reason to work
We are like the Black Hole
No Life without thoughts !

We must change the darkness
Into the Universe Light
Otherwise we will live like beings..

What to do ?
To learn and work, to have faith in God !
Dare to dream and try to achieve !

The results will come !

Haminia Haar,
"Moon and Stars in our Hearts", Nr. 46
Copyrights@November1, 2013

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