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joi, 27 martie 2014
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Polly Kay Mannon
Haminia.... wonderful you share this. It happens with many. The task is to remember Who You Are, and to let these guys know that your love is universal and touches ALL, male and female, and that you are honored with respect only.
For the human mind to understand that we women are human, little difference from men. The similarities are greater. Women, for too long, have suffered the burdens because many men will not carry their own responsibility for humanity. Of late, it plays out in sexual advances as a "power" over another. This is not God's truth. WE Are ONE.
I tell them, "Do you say these things to your men friends?" If not a universal friendship, then this is not a friendship, but rather a victim and an aggressor. That is what has happened to the human for ego lust and the male sense, found in both female and male, that is ruled by viral ego dissension for mankind. I dont know what we women can do, until the male sector of our species takes responsibility for their self and their brothers. We Women are soooooo tired of this form of intimidation that results in our feminine aversion.... that is not what we are.
Women are spiritual bridge, by nature. Just look what society has done to the bridge to eternity. The men need to bridge themselves to God and let God alone find his one woman.
It is not a battle of passion for a body, but a transcendence of a man's ways to rule the world from viral ego. Inside every human body is the feminine Energy Center. It is not our responsibility on earth, as women, to teach the viral male ego to tame itself and become the human won. Human must face its self.
I dont know what the men will do to save this world. God Bless our Infinite Means for the Totality of Conscious Awakening Aware.
Polly Kay
Donna Cannon
~*Haminia Sis. ...I read your work. It is beautifully romantic and invites Amore''*'
I would think, part of the package would be men who are offset with their own imaginings with a partner, upon reading your words of Love's sweeeet Love. Your lovely verse truly entices the longing heart. It seems, reaching beyond into the world with your talent includes the good responses with the bad. I say, Enjoy*'` the goodness and kick the other to the curb. Young or old, a beautiful woman carries herself with aloofness and passive tolerance to those who prefer rudeness.
Comparing yourself to Mother Theresa is really off base. She was one of the most beautiful women I have known. Her sacrifice and devotion to Love of mankind was above reproach....even to the bottomfeeders in this old world. I have read, she treated ALLLL Souls as if they were Christ, himself. Her LOVE for God and humanity was totally different from your writings of passionate Love between two people.
~*Find your balance between your work and the public. With it, you will find a more peaceful heart in the knowing, you can rise above the negatives troubling you.
Peace be with you. ~'
Donna Cannon
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