My love ,
You are the red fruit in the orchard of life,
The sweet apple between Adam and Eve,
The reason for me and for them to live..
My love ,
You are the red rose in the eternal garden,
The best perfume for touching hearts
When we walk in the temple of love..
My love ,
You are the red blood in the human body
Carrying the oxygen of my inspiration,
The life of the whole Creation, you are !
My love ,
Are you red or any other color ?
Some lovers see you shining white bright,
Others feel you like their red pulsing heart..
My love ,
You are able to intoxicate me.
To fill my mind with joyous thoughts
And awake my deepest desires
Sleeping in my soul..
I think you have the color of God !
It's only our sweet imagination,
On the azure waves of the Ode..
Haminia Haar,
The Orchard of Love, Nr. 3
All rights reserved
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