Coborand din cer
Lumina scanteie pe ale tristetii buze,
Legata de umbra unui strop de apa
Si vede ochii fara lumina sorbind de ieri setea,
Tremurand in fata mortii de maine oglindita..
Nimic pe fata timpului straluce,
Doar ieftin spectacol monoton ,
Nostalgia risipita pe rugul imaginatiei,
Cautandu-si singuraticele tipete,
Doar tristete si nescris poem intalneste
Intre tomnaticele frunze...
Linistea goala, fertila la poarta iernii bate
Adapostind flamandele cuvinte
Teama fiindu-i de intuneric,
Umpland emanciparea in dorinta
Scrasnind sub pasii tai, Oh, aurit Inger !
Nu atarna bataia aripilor tale pe lucia cripta,
Ca gradina care te conduce spre sanu-i
Si suge laptele inchinaciunii,
Sa nu planga..
O, Inger al acestei nopti inlacrimate,
Dumnezeu respira un alt vis decat al lui,
Priveste esenta acestui poem plin de gandurile mele,
Poruncindu-mi sa cobor din cer..
Fiecare purtam in noi un paradis pierdut,
Trecem spre celalalt taram al corpului,
Schimband doar forma lutului..
Fiecare purtam in noi un paradis pierdut,
Trecem spre celalalt taram al corpului,
Schimband doar forma lutului..
Poem by Munir Mezyed,
translated by Haminia Haar
16th Janury 2013
Descending to the Sky
Light leans on the lips of sorrow that is tied to a shadow of lost water
Sees empty eyes drink the thirst of yesterday
It trembles when seeing death standing before the mirror of tomorrow…
Nothing on the table of time but very poor theatrical show
And scattered images by nostalgia in the pyre of imagination
Searching for their lonely screams
They find nothing but sad and unwritten poem
Between the autumn leaves….
Naked and fertile silence knocks on the door of winter
Sheltering the hungry words
And afraid of the anger of darkness
Getting filled with the desire of emancipation
Cracking under your steps, O golden angel….
Do not hang the flap of your wings on the glass of the crypt
So that the garden that guides you to its breast
And suckles you the milk of worship
Will not cry …
O angel, in this torn night
God breathes another dream which is not his dream
Looks at the body of the poem which is covered by the feathers of my thoughts
Ordering me to descend to the sky …..
Each one of us carries inside a lost paradise
We pass the other bank of the body to the place
Wherein we change the shape of mud…
Munir Mezyed
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