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miercuri, 14 noiembrie 2012



You can make everything you want in life, 
Universe and God's love to guide you bright. 
You can make your heart to be always young,
Feel the song inside needing to be sung. 

You can make your eyes the Unseen to see, 
Beautiful life and heavenly sky free.. 
Hands can touch the fragrance of all flowers, 
As the Morning, Noon and Moon are ours.. 

May all the soul sufferings you have known, 
Show the others that you are now grown.. 
You can let all anxieties released, 
And find the joy and happiness in peace. 

Goodness and pure kindness are in your mind, 
God blessed you with sharing them, so right.. 
May all your gifts received from the Above, 
Fill you with much comfort and lots of love. 

May Sun rays shine on your gentle face, 
For people meet in you the unseen age.. 
Heavenly angels surround to the end, 
To protect and help you as their best friend.

You can bring eternal hope in sweet life, 
As God has chosen you His beloved child , 
Giving you the magical Key of Truth 
To open the door to the Stars and Moon !

Haminia Haar,
02 nd October 2012

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