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joi, 15 noiembrie 2012



Beautiful Life is given to us as equal right,
To remember it by memories in pure Light .

Good or Bad are moments we are able to gain,

In our minds and hearts they will ever remain.

Unforgettable fragrance of  garden with flowers,

The same with wonderful blue sky of ours..

So very touching music of the ocean's waves,

Nature bless us to feel our senses flames .

Let's chant and cherish the Beauty of this precious Life,

And kiss the sweet smile of the innocent child !

Let's share with friends the secrets of the big Joy,

For unconditional Love is not a common toy !

Let's celebrate our sincere feelings of Love,

And pour it on our true lover, timeless God !

Life is heavenly Love because true Love is Light,

As the Sun is day and the Moon is night !

Haminia Haar,

"Inside The Love", Nr.16

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