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miercuri, 18 iulie 2012


  Traian Basescu,  dictator president of Romania in the last 8 years

Thank you, dear friend ,

Your words are so beautiful and encouraging !!
We all hope to change the bad in Good and True 
democracy because we, Romanian people have 
always wanted democracy but we were cheated till 
now by different ex-communist people who knew 
what was the politics and who knew how to speak to 
the people about democracy for which we made a 
revolution in 1989, but they cheated us. 

Now, we have enough experience to recognize that 
their democracy was 100 CORRUPTION and 
fascism against the population whose were taken 
by the President and Govt including the minimum 
necessary conditions for survive.

If the population was taken 50 % of the salaries 
and pensions, we became poor and very poor in two 

We have beautiful houses for which we worked 20 
years but in the last 2 years our salaries were not 
sufficient to pay the Energy, the Water, food, 
medicines, etc. 

So, it is impossible to live inn Romania with this very 
small income for a month : ex. 150 Euros and many 
have less.

The president appeared on TV every week to tell the 
intellectuals to leave the country and to work abroad, 
if you can imagine such a president. So, more than 
8.000 physicians left the country and more than 
4.000.000 Romanan left the country in the last 8 = 
eight years since Traian Basescu became president 
and dictator the same with all dictators in the world 
or more. 

There is a great political fight here and this mad 
president succeeded in dividing the population in 2 
parts : those who will vote against him - about 67 % - 
and his people paid by him with millions of euros in 
the last 8 years - about 30 %. 

They attacked Romania at the Council of Europe 
after the New - two months- Government was elected 
at the local elections and in Parliament.

I don't know if you can imagine such a president and 
his team to write to different foreign newspapers in the 
world and to complain about the new Govt and Prime 
Minster about illegal things which only the old 
President and Old 8 years Govt could do...

Can you imagine how a President speaks on TV every 
day against the population with lies ? He says that :
" I am the best for you. Nobody can be president like 
me. I led you 8 years. These young Prime Minster and 
New Temporarily Young President don't know how to
lead a country because they don't have experience." 

Everybody can see that he lost his mind but still there 
are some unlearned people who are given at home by
the  president's team : a bottle of oil, 1 kg of sugar,
some biscuits, a Coca Cola bottle and they think that 
God came to them with gifts and they say that they 
will vote for Basescu to remain president - AT THE 
NATIONAL REFERENDUM on 29 th of July. 

This is the real dailylife here. So many lies , so many 
billions of euros stolen from the State, the people's
money ...God will help us to establish the TRUTH !

19 July 2012

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