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miercuri, 4 iulie 2012


Dear Indian friend,

I tell you how divorces happen either in European marriages
 and in Indian marriages because I know real cases, persons 
with whom I talked. 

I am sure you also know the reasons because you are a 
mature man. 

In European marriages, when the two lovers decide to marry 
because they feel much love for each other, they don't check 
the other details of life and never think of any Bad possible to 
happen. How is possible to think so much at young age without 
experience of life when you are deep in love ? 

Have you ever been in love ? If you were not, ask the others 
who felt true love or just read love poems and you will find the 
dreams of love. 

If the two young married lovers meet difficult things in their life 
and they don't know what to do - this is not because of their 
guilt , but of the crazy society -, their relatives and friends start
to comment about their problem and in short time they will 
feel divided by opinions about what to do. 

Parents also come with their opinions and, so the members 
of the society help the people to have different options upon 

Love must be feed...

In such situations, some of the married men or women decide 
to divorce, small part of them, about 5 % from 100 %. Most of 
them want to have much money or to be rich. 

People fight with each other for money anytime and anywhere . 

In India, as I was told by Indian friends, people get married by 

They know what is the meaning of the arrangement:for a life.
The man and the young woman expect to be married by 
arrangement and they also accept this manner because it is 
an Indian tradition.

 In case of divorce, one of the two is not content by the other , 
one can had desired a dreamed love from husband or wife and 
it was not revealed to any of them... 

What to do ? 

They try and try until at least one of them get sick of false love 
and false life. Some of them forget about the beauty of life and
want to leave home and to go to Nowhere or to die...I know 
some cases...unfortunately. 

Most of the Indians don't divorce because they were born in 
the tradition of arranged marriage and they are ashamed to 
tell the truth to their family and friends, especially when they 
graduated the university and have good jobs in society. 

The Indian man says that he must accept his destiny and his 
wife who can not speak English and can not go with him in the 
society of his field of activity among his colleagues and many 
other details  in life when the two are not compatible because 
of difference of studies and knowledge and others...Some of
such Indians decide and get divorced. 

The Indian woman also decides to divorce by different true 
reasons, they are always true. 

The Indian women are not content of their husband and of 
their parents in law, etc. In India the women can ask the 
divorce only if they have their own property and money to
support themselves. 

That married Indian woman who was obliged by her husband 
and family to stay at home after marriage and to belong to 
her husband like a being, can not divorce because she doesn't 
have anything to support herself, she doesn't have a house, 
she doesn't have a job and enough money to live by herself 
and many times she is ashamed to speak with her parents 
and relatives who blame her for not having accepted the bad 
habits of her husband and many others about compatibility 
in love and life , rules that must be respected in arranged

As I know, most of the Indian wives accept their arrangement 
marriage even if they are not happy with their husbands, they 
make their given duty: to make children from three to ten or
more, to take care of them, to cook, to clean the house, to 
enjoy their husbands and to encourage them as it is written in 
the Hindu Law of Codes.

This Law doesn't mention any lack of compatibility or love. 

All those Indians who accept to live in an arranged marriage 
without love will dream about true love all their life. 

Until closing their eyes before death. The poems say the same...


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