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luni, 18 martie 2013



Why the best Arabic poets in the world

say that their religion is Love ?
Is it their deep feeling or just their
desire to escape from oppression ?

They are very proud of their country, but

after much learning and education in
developed countries from the West, they 
started to understand  more than before...

They have reached the Truth on their skin,

the truth about the poorness in their countries,
about the big corruption at the high level of
their societies and the guilty politicians...

Of course, their pure hearts and minds

started to write about their own experience
in life since childhood till present and
they mention the great difference in poems ...

They breath the difference between freedom

and oppression from one country to another,
making comparison and knowing what is the
best and what is happiness...

Now, their talent and gift from God
intoxicate with Beauty all the souls and minds
from all the countries and from the whole world,
they reading only their amazing beautiful words ..

Whose country belong these God' poets ..,

when their own citizens threw them away 
from their own birth land country, family 
and houses ?

During Rumi's or Shakeseare's time there was 

No Nobel Prize in Literature, but they live in 
our hearts and souls with their love poems 
since more than 800 years ago...

Now, when Noble Prize Crown must be given
every year to a blessed by divinity man, but
when he is obliged to travel from one place to
another, who can be the winner ?

Do the laws of the countries decide who is

the best in literature or science in our modern
times without experts to choose who is the
best and unique ?

Or a loving literature and poetry country like

Romania can understand the difficult situation in
which the best poet of the world lives and accepts
his deep desire of living here for all his life ?

God is the single Truth that it happened !

Haminia Haar,

The Orchard of Love, Nr.22

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