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vineri, 15 martie 2013



What should we do
If we were to live without
Illusion and imagination,
Without dreams by day and night
What should we do ?

What should we do
Without landscapes in our minds,
Without hearing the waves of oceans
Like the best music of our life,
What should we do ?

What should we do
If God forgot about our existence,
Not giving us mind to think
And love to feel your vibrations,
What should we do ?

What should I do
If I didn't have all these,
If I didn't feel God in me
And your freesia touching me
What should I do ?

I should be the ambrosia
In the yard of a church,
Longing for your warmth,
Breathing your holy breath,
What should I do ?

People being vegetables,
Ex minds drowned in the sand
Wait for a robot to dictate
How to live in slavery..
What should they do?

Very few like me are happy
To see the unseen and feel Love,
We have reasons in life and hopes
For Humanity to work in Joy
Only God can make us happy !

Haminia Haar,
The Orchard of Love, Nr.25
All rights reserved

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