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sâmbătă, 23 februarie 2013



Why did you ask me about true feelings?
What do you want to know from me ?
You entered with your Love my being,
New sensations you gave to me..

I have never felt such sweet sensations
And mind relaxation so deep..
Vibrations were the manifestation
Your gentle words melt me indeed..

How's possible to happen to my mind ?
Are you a magician or a lyre ?
Amazing tender, gentle Voice you own !
Your Freesia makes me feel the fire..

Relaxed body and mind singing the sky
Forgetting totally the Life ..
But how good I feel without working mind
Angels guarding eternally..


When we belong to God's Light trinity
We start to understand our Life
Like Beauty, Paradise, Infinity
Shining into our hearts so bright !

It's the single answer to the question
When the true feelings come to us,
We must know this Holy situation
Is God's wish to enjoy Us !

Haminia Haar, 
The Orchard of love, Nr.20

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