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joi, 21 februarie 2013



Since the first day of my breath
I have been longing for you,
The most beautiful Angel in Universe, Love, You !

Who doesn't know that we have angels
To protect and help us
When we are wrong in life, eventually ?

They are like Saints with missions from God
To guide us on Earth in finding the Truth,
To teach us the direct path to Paradise !

My dream to drink from the fountain of Eternity
And to smell the perfume of Ambrosia
Comes true only in the garden of Light !

Angels sanctified their souls in our souls,
We must just open the box of Love
To see their pure eyes and let them be free..

Ah, my sanctified soul, my dear twin !
You blew away all the confused thoughts
I ever had in the wind..

Your Beauty melts my soul to the ocean,
The white snow drops dance in fire,
You awoke the sleeping desire..

I'd like to dance with you 
Over the bright Sun rays and gentle night stars,
The heavenly waltz of ecstasy..

I'd like to sing with you
The sweet melodies of your soul
And keep you into my heart, no time !

Celestial wedding solemnized by angels
Surrounded by the fragrance of freesia
May always be our perfume in God !

Haminia Haar,
The Orchard of Love, Nr. 5

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