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duminică, 24 februarie 2013



I would like to express my gratitude to the many people who saw me through this book; to all those who provided support, talked things over, read, wrote, offered comments, allowed me to quote their remarks and assisted in the editing, proofreading and design.
I would like to thank my Kibbutz Ein Dor for enabling me to publish this book. Above all I want to thank my wife, Rama and the rest of my family, who supported and encouraged me in spite of all the time it took me away from them. It was a long and difficult journey for them.
I would like to thank Raya Harnick, Alon Kadish and Avraham Sharon for helping me in the process of selection and editing. Thanks to Yaron Golan my publisher who encouraged me.
Thanks to Chris Werry and The EServer - without you this book would never find its way to the Web and to so many people who can not read the Hebrew printed book.
Last and not least: I beg forgiveness of all those who have been with me over the course of the years and whose names I have failed to mention."


Right from the beginning of this beautiful and sacred project, my intention was to create and provide a love offering to all the beautiful souls out there.
In life, we heard it many times, there are angels all around, to support us in every way… and throughout every step of creating this work of love, and I experienced this to be true,
I know that words would never fully acknowledge my gratitude toward them, but at least I could try to express my heart.
I will recount their names, right from the starting of process:

First and foremost, Jason Matthews, who, through his book “How to Make, Market, and Sell EBooks All for Free” guided me in learning about the whole publishing process, and through his online support, helped and encouraged me to move forward and follow my heart.

My dear friend Rhonda Black, who had lovingly helped me through the editing process of the book. She was the first person to offer help.
Without the artwork of Luise Anderson(Magnon) from United States,
Bella Tokoeva from Canada and
Marize Bodini from Brazil,, this book would never be as beautiful as it is now. Their souls are reflected in this work.

Aphrodite Smiles is the beautiful soul whose selfless love and devotion is reflected in the design aspect of this book. She makes it come alive.
Last but not least, I am so very grateful for all my friends from the United States, Great Britain, India and from all other nations. Their love and support have inspired this beautiful book, and their beauty lies within its pages.
Immense love to you all,

Introduction is here
In his book Songs of a Loving Heart. Magic of love is woven by Vibhu Ashok…he tries to express ups and downs of a lover…basic prescient of this is the sacred feelings of love…the longing…yearning…joy of being together… and so on…

While reading it you will find yourself in another realm…transformation will happen…something shifts inside you…why because these all poems are from heart to heart…and Vibhu wants to establish a soul to soul connection with you…..

it’s like you are love itself and he is speaking to your heart…..Come allow yourself to take this beautiful odyssey to heaven…to paradise...
Best of luck with your new book

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