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marți, 23 octombrie 2012

I am proud to be invited to meet the American President, Barack Obama !!

Obama - Biden

Hey, Rodica --

On Election Night, you could be snapping a photo very much like this one -- if you take us up on the chance:

Election Night in Chicago
This is your chance to fly to Chicago to meet the President in two weeks, and have a front-row seat to history on Election Night.

Here's the deal:

    -- We'll cover the flight to Chicago for you and a guest, as well as your accommodations.
    -- You'll meet the President of the United States.
    -- You'll be right up front when the results come in and the President addresses the nation.

The only way this will go our way is if we each dig deep right now so we can keep pace with the other side.

Whether we celebrate a victory on Election Night is up to you. Chip in $5 or whatever you can to be automatically entered today:



Rufus Gifford
National Finance Director
Obama for America

By Rodica

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