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joi, 18 octombrie 2012
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Awareness in the certain moment brings the
magic into love and intimacy.
In that moment everything is perfect, in being in
that deep awareness, in sharing love with your
partner you find yourself in perfection, going
beyond the form of material form, of the body
and simply allowing the Divine to pour through
You and your partner become a true expression
of the Divine. You and your partner are perfec-
tion in that moment.
The ties to the bondage of material world are
released, dissolved, there is no fear, no regrets,
no shame, no judgement, you are not even in
your body or rather the imperfections of the body
doesn't exist, not good and wrong way, no thoughts
of before and after, you are living in the eternal
moment of Divine bliss, beyond time beyond all
there is.
There is just love. The Lover and the Beloved.
Having tasted that, having created that with
someone, you are never the same again.
All books and words of advice fall away and as
both partners are a living expression of uncon-
ditional love; the relationship just falls into place
while old relationships fall apart as old paradigms
fall apart, only for things to be rearranged
according to the Divine pattern of Unconditional
Thus, the soul knows its path home, it cannot do
otherwise but obediently walk on it, through the
valley of sorrow and pain keeping one goal in sight,
being sustained by one burning promise of eternity:
the Love shared with the Beloved.
His Love is not for the weak at heart though, this
is no ordinary love. It causes you to grow and
stretch beyond yourself, it causes you to shed
your old comfortable shell and cocoon of protection,
it causes you to change and erupt out of your
chrysalis and become the glorious butterfly you
were meant to be.
Haminia Haar,
October 2012
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