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marți, 7 august 2012


Homeopathy is Art in Medicine and not everyone
can understand and practice it. 

Homeopathy is the single medicine in the world which 
treats the patient as a whole, not by pieces. 

Homeopathy treats the cause of the disease and not 
the effect because the effect can be a pain which is 
usually treated with a kill pain pill in order to take it 
away for a short time and the patient to feel satisfied. 

The cause of any disease is usually older than the 
classical doctors can imagine. 

Most of the diseases appear in the body and mind of 
the patient from his old sufferings, many times from 

So, it is useless to treat a single pain or to operate 
and take out from the body a tumor, when the cause 
is totally another one. 

The tumor can be reduced to zero treating the cause 
that brought it to the patient. 

Most of the classical physicians can not understand 
how vital force from the homeopathic medicines can 
treat the sick people and can make the disease 
disappear for ever. 

The homeopathic physicians are complete doctors if 
they follow Dr. Hahnemann's rules in Homeopathy. 
Homeopathy works rapid, gentle and permanent.


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