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vineri, 13 iulie 2012


India could get cleaned and purified by exposing and 
recognizably mediating its faults. 

Indian society and Indians are good in covering up its
faults for centuries. 

We are good talkers and zero performers and we have 
learned how to put out good foot forward just for 

We have cars but not adequate roads. The pollution is 
every where, pollution on the roads, in the air, in garbage 
and we burn tyers, plastics, filthy papers, filthy garments 
and all sorts of garbage entities; polluting air. 

Our cars have no pollution scrubbers. Our underground 
and above ground water is polluted with human feces. 

One can feel stink on the GT road as soon as one comes 
towards Haryana for the flow of open sewers full of 
harmful bacteria and viruses. 

Our rivers are sick. 

The society has been socially blackmailing fellow Indians 
with caste system for a long time. 

Caste system is worst than slavery as it never ends; it is 
hereditary. It is worst than slavery, where the son of a 
slave becomes a free man. 

As in America, people in India should keep religion 
separate from the politics. Our religions are intertwined 
with dirty politics. 

Religion does not seem to stop killing of the female fetus 
and the peoples in communal clashes. 

Sex in our society is is suppressed from the day one and 
as such wild men are ready to rape at the next availability 
of a female or with a slight hint or wrong signal from the 
female partner. 

Indians have double standards and we say something 
different and do something totally different. 

We are morally bankrupt people and deceive each others 
for pennies. 

The cousins and relatives in India are always thinking 
how to grab the properties of their kin now residing 

India has no shame and I hope people learn from their 
inadequacies to avoid tarnishing the pride of India. 

Indians make India .

Mohindar Singh

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