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sâmbătă, 30 iunie 2012


Dear Indian friend,

Thank you for these pieces of information 
about Thaj Mahal Palace :

‎1) Mumtaz was Shahjahan's 4th wife out 
of his 7 wives. 

2) Shahjahan was killing Mumtaaz' first 
husband to get her as his wife. 

3) She died during her 14th delivery. 

4) Shahjahaan married Mumtaz' sister.

I also knew about this story but I waited 
for some Indians to say it.

 It is quite amazing this form of love.  

" What kind of lover Shahjahan was if he 
killed Mumtaaz's first husband and if had 
had other three wives before her and other
three after her ? 

He married then with Mumtaaz's sister...

It is hard to understand the behavior of 
such a man... 

Did he build Taj Mahal Palace for Mumtaaz 
or for all his wives?

I think that he was very proud to have so 
many women as wives, to have so many 
children if only from Mumtaaz he had 14 ... 

Seven wives x 10 children each, he could 
have 70 children . ..

He should be in Guinness book, but I think
that a woman who gives birth to 14 children 
is an exploited woman by her husband, like 
a fabric of children..

No way such a woman can be beautiful and 
lover of any man anytime !

Woman was not created by God to be used 
as a tool of pleasure for 
any kind of human mind.

Thank you for the link you sent to me in 
order to to read  about " Taj Mahal secrets..." 

I appreciate your opinion in this issue when 
you say :

" I don't really believe in that 'love' and I 
feel that it was just a story  exaggerated by 
his own courtiers of Shahjahan. 

A rather more interesting fact that I learnt 
was Tajmahal was not built by him and 
earlier it was a temple built by the Rajputs 
(India kings)!!!

But I dont know how far it is true. Here is a 
website, please find more: "

I read the article and it is really amazing 
interesting. If the door of the Palace Taj 
Mahal is 300 years older than Shah Jahan, 
it is very clear  that the palace is not 
Queen's Mumtaz's tomb. 

This Palace is wonderful and it is easy to 
think that it is a Hindu Temple, the temple 
of Lord Shiva, as it was proved by the 
researcher Oak. 

The fairy tale was created by somebody just
for some interests which must be discovered. 

Why Indira Ghandi threatened the publisher 
of dr. Oak's book and interdicted him to 
publish more ?

I think that the Truth about Taj Mahal Palace 
must be revealed and the international experts
let make research about it.

June 2012

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