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joi, 14 aprilie 2011



Dear Fani,

I send you this deep thought text by Rhonda

Byrne, the founder of the Law of Attraction

and the author of the book " Secret " which

had such a great success all over the world.

I will send it to you by e-book mail.

I hope you will understand her thoughts

and will like it ! I also send you the link

where you can find offers for scholarships

in Germany for your PhD study.

God bless you !

"Most people can manifest the small

things quickly. This is because they do

not have any resistance around the small

things, and because they don't think

thoughts that contradict them.

When it comes to the bigger things,

however, people often emit thoughts of

doubt or worry that contradict those

bigger things. This is the only difference

in terms of the time it takes for something

to manifest.

Nothing is big or small for the Universe."

Fani :

Yes dear Haminia,

I read all the stuff and checked different
options,of course I will be in process to
check all time to time.I think, I must wait
for time to come and carry on my walk
along the coast.

I wish you will be my companion through
all the way and sharing such a nice text ,
enhancing my enthusiasm too?

I am grateful for such a smart friend who
encourages me .
Let me carry on my walk
and win a NOBEL, as you said...


Dear Fani,

Yes, my enthusiasm is high to the sky
and I am so happy to have the chance
to share it with you who can understand
my thoughts so good ... You made me
think deeply at this life , at our destiny
that I know it is Karma and can be
changed it if we want. Karma is Action !

If you wish me to be your companion
through all the way I am thinking what
do you mean by " all the way" ...?

I am very happy to share with you the
precious words written in the text
about small things and big things.
I like great things.

We have many things to discuss about
and your knowledge is so much
attracting me... You could see that I had
lost my time when I was listening
to you...

I would have had so many question to
ask you but you made me wordless and I
liked so much to travel into your Universe.
It was better than good.

Doesn't matter if you will win a Nobel
even if I think that you will win a better
prize than Nobel...It will be from Allah
for all the Humanity !

Are you really walking along the Japanese
Coast ? I would like to be with you and to
admire both of us the Beauty of Nature...,
to tell you what I know and you to tell me
your experience of life... It is so special ...

I would like to ask you if I am allowed by
Quran to tell you what I feel into my heart
even if the society doesn't allow me if I
want to be a moral person, very respected
by all the people, as I am and I will be with
God's help !

You are also a very appreciated man in your
society, in your religion and in my heart, too !

I don't want by mistake to be wrong in front
of you, I am not wrong in my behavior here
in my country and in Europe (when I travel,
they say) and I also ask you to tell me every
thing you want to ask me...I won't be angry
with you because each human being is free
to think as he/she was educated and it is not
our guilt if we are not the same in thinking
at a certain moment in life.

We live in different countries, so far away one
from the other and in spite of all....I am very
happy to see that my soul and mind are so
happy when meets yours...I see that you are
also happy with my thoughts...

Sometimes I would like to tell/write you more
but I think that you can misunderstand me in
your faith...but YOUR FAITH IS MY FAITH IN

I agree with each word you told me but there
are some more to be discussed in my curiosity

I put an end to this letter before writing too
much... I prefer listening to you and see you.
My soul is so happy to meet your soul...and I
am sure that this is not from my choice or your's impossible for us to plan such

But I am sure that we had to meet
each other in this way because another
was impossible in the visible life. You can
understand me...the others would not be
able, my dear Fani.

I say from my heart "my dear Fani" , I feel
your soul is so gentle loving life and I also
feel I miss him very much. It's something
that I can not control. It' only God's will.

I send you another pic with me to see me
smiling...for you !

Love and hugs for a dear twin soul .

Fani :

Dear Haminia,

Really nice to read your inspirations by my
discussions but I think your own study is
much more worthy. So many people talk but
it depends upon on fertile minds who get
inspirations. Nice picture you sent to me !

The Most important thing is: Please never
forget all of my talks or words, feelings
shared to you are not by me, they are not
self produced, my dear.

I told you, we are nothing if we don't love
the holy personality of
Holy Prophet
(Peace Be Upon Him). Such a
love and believe to Allah was taught by
Holy Prophet (PBUH).

Please have study of so beautiful spectrum
of lights from life of Holy Prophet Muhammad.
All of messages and inspirations you feel from
Muslim World, all are derived from Love of Holy
Prophet for mankind.

I will discuss more and more, even for
my whole life, its my wish !

See you soon ! Take care !

Haminia :

Dear friend, I sent to you two links with
different offers from
all over the world
where you can find what is the best for
the best university and the best PhD
for you. I want to help
you as I promised.
I do my best for you because you are such
a brilliant men of science who must spread
your science to all
the people and humanity !

Fani :

My dear, first of all thank you so much for
your kind information sharing all the time.
This will bring continuous passion to have
more useful opportunities as life is progress
ing fore, so nice flowers you sent to me.
These are really soul refreshing, so fresh.
Thank you so much !

While your kind and very intellectual nature
which you call "your light", is not coming
from anywhere. This is blessing on humans.
Nice souls are not reflectors only but very
good emitters. They spread their cool feelings
and natural sensations to decorate outer

Of course, I can understand our mails/letters
can not cover the feelings and hidden truths
to unfloded layers. Mail to mail, letters to
letter, text to text, it is smile to smile. Yes,
I am also confused why I used words in last
text about walking through all the way. Truly
speaking, I also don't know. But they can be
used for so many visions in life.

There are so many aspects of life. The most
simple and soft is just to remember our talks
on opposite corners of this globe. Your
imaginations are more wider than your words.
We are living on far away not only different
countries but continents as well.

Profound regards,

Haminia :

My dear friend, so close to me due to the
Universe to whom we belong and due to
Albert Einsein who explained that "there is
no Space and Distance in the Universe "...
so we are special selected by God ..., human
beings who are able to "see" and especially
feel that our souls are very close to each other
- I feel it is very true , I feel what you feel
and wish - and you must tell me if you have
this courage what you feel because it is
something new for me, it happening to me
at such great distance only with very few
persons, I mean three ! You are one of them !

They checked me and told me what I can
not believe...that I have God's light and
that I can help the people to pray to God
and to have a direct connection with God...
but unfortunately, nobody believe me and
in my country the people don't believe in
healers, they say that only Jesus could heal
and nobody is like Jesus or other prophet.

In my opinion, we are all God's children
born with the same opportunity to believe
and to pray, but only a part of the people
have such a profound faith in Allah like YOU !

I like your sentence when you said that you
would speak all time if it would be necessary,
all your life , you wish it !!!!!!!

My sweet soul of Allah, I would listen to you
all my life, too ! I like so much when you
speak about such wonderful experiences of
life...I live exactly like you speak and all my
family too, except my father who abandoned
The difference is that we don't wear veil but
I am sure that I made my own veil because
nobody could touch me or make me anything
Bad. I am afraid to walk alone by night, not
by day. My attitude is of that manner that
make all the bad men or persons to go back
from me. This is my faith who scare them,
I think.

Dear Fani, I wrote so much...we will talk
soon ! I sent you three beautiful flowers to
feel a little Joy into your heart ! Sending
them to you makes myself feel the Joy and
Beauty and my own happiness !

Love and Light !

Edit by Haminia
April 2011

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